Fashion emergencies. We try to avoid them at all costs, but sometimes it just seems impossible to avoid the occasional spill or stain. We’ve rounded up some of our favorite fashion emergency solutions to help you look our absolute best, regardless of what the day may bring you! All six tricks are easy to do and use convenient on-the-go products to help your problem go from “uh-oh” to “oh, yeah!”
FIX #1
The Florida temperature has dropped below 80 degrees. You pull out your favorite jacket that has been stored away all summer and realize the zipper is completely stuck. Oh boy, what do I do now?
The answer is a wax candle! Rub the candle along the zipper teeth a few times. This will make it much easier for the zipper to do its job and slide right along. If you don’t have a wax candle around, a bar of soap works great, too
FIX #2
*CLING* There goes the back of your earring, onto the floor where it will camouflage itself perfectly and leave you with no support for your studs. Ugh..
Don’t fret, this can be fixed by taking the eraser off a pencil and sticking the earring into the eraser. It may not be the prettiest look, but it surely fixes the problem!
FIX #3
You have 30 minutes to get ready for work so you freshen up quickly and put on your outfit of the day. Just as you are ready to leave, you notice streaks of deodorant down the sides of your dress. Is there another solution besides changing your entire look?
For sure. You know the pieces of foam that are used when hanging pants to protect them from damage? Or the foam that lines hangers from the dry cleaners? Take one of these pieces and rub it on the deodorant. The streaks will come right out. This trick also fixes a variety of other stains on dark fabric such as foundation and eye shadow.
FIX #4
It’s the night you’ve been waiting for – an elegant night out with girlfriends. As you walk into a fabulous restaurant at The Village you see a run in your pantyhose. Is it only going to get worse from here?
Definitely not. The perfect solution is clear nail polish. Simply paint on a few layers of nail polish and it will keep the run from getting bigger. Clear nail polish is also great for fastening loose buttons temporarily. If you notice the thread sewn through the button is beginning to loosen, put some clear polish on the loose thread.
Jana Coke shows us how this trick is done.
FIX #5
Finally, you made it to the store to pick up this awesome shade of red lipstick that will perfectly compliment a top hanging in your closet. You pull the top over your head to see the lipstick truly does compliment the shirt, as red lipstick is smeared on the collar. Whoops.
Take a piece of tape and blot the spot. This should do the trick! Tape is also a great go-to lint roller. Just blot the fabric using the sticky side of tape. Ta-da!
FIX #6
You made a delicious olive oil dip for a dinner party when suddenly you run into a problem – your dress is spotted with oil! Your guests are five minutes away from arrival and you have no idea how to fix this greasy situation.
Baby powder is your new best friend. Rub the powder in with a Q-tip, toothbrush or towel until the powder is absorbed and the spot is removed!
Have a fashion emergency solution that works great? We would love to hear all about it. Comment your trick in the comments below!